Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where does Vijerel Pharmaceutical deliver?

We deliver nationwide.

Are your product authenticated?

We promise that every one of our goods is 100 percent genuine and FDA-approved. If found to be false, we'll fully refund your money.

Item Replacement

Do you accept item replacement?

Yes, only online orders placed with Vijerel Pharma are subject to the aforementioned replacement and refund policy.
Please send an email to with any replacement-related questions. Within 24 hours, a member of our committed customer care will respond to you.

Replacement requests are only acceptable if

• The supplied item has damage.
• The item is no longer valid.
• The merchandise that was provided was either incomplete or dissimilar from what was advertised online.

Replacement will not be accepted unless the following requirements are strictly met by the customer:

• A receipt for the sale of the replacement items serves as the proper support for the item that has to be replaced.

• With complete tags and labels, no damage or defects, in their original packaging, unopened, and undamaged—with the exception of goods with obvious factory defects or that were obviously expired—the items were returned for replacement within seven (7) days of receiving the product. Refund of an order is subject to management approval.

Prescription Medicines

Do you need prescription drugs?

Yes, a valid prescription must be included with every order of a prescription drug. You can submit your prescription straight on the website, and our committed pharmacist will validate it and get in touch with you if necessary.

Accepted file types and sizes:

•JPEG, PDF, PNG, and.jpg
•10 maximum files
•10 MB maximum file size